Tying The Knot, Celebrating OctoberFest Or A Sporting Event?
Our Made-To-Order Freshly Baked Authentic German Pretzels (called LAUGENBREZEL) Are Delicious.
Makes A Gorgeous Social Media Statement
Soft Pretzel Walls, Rods & Stations
Tying The Knot, Celebrating OctoberFest Or A Sporting Event?
Our Authentic German Gourmet Pretzels can be as traditional or as decadent as you like. Savoury or Sweet? We have You and Your Treats covered. There are a large variety of Sauces, Dips Or Sprinkles you can add so don't be afraid to ask. Our clients love the flexibility of this station and how it ties seamlessly with a variety of events. Includes Free Delivery / Setup for Toronto ; Minimal Delivery / Setup Fee for GTA. If doesn't matter if you're Tying the "Knot", coordinating a Store Opening, having a School/Employee Event or putting together a Fund Raiser. Our Absolute Best Soft Pretzels are a perfect back-drop. As always, Our Design Team coordinates the display with the look you want from a Farm House / Beer Garden style to a more Elegant / Modern Look.